The Featured Innovators have been selected as part of the Valuing Homes in Black Communities Challenge. Each of them is pursuing an innovation with the potential to address the devaluation of homes in Black communities.
featured innovators
Amanda Alexander
Detroit Justice Centre
Detroit, Michigan
Ashley Allen
Houston Community Land Trust
Houston, Texas
Roshun Austin
The Works, Inc.
Memphis, Tennessee
Gianna Baker
Chicago Area Fair Housing Alliance
Chicago, Illinois
John Bartlett
Metropolitan Tenants Organization
Chicago, Illinois
Jonathan Brown
Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners
Palm Beach County, Florida
Kwasi Frye
Washington, D.C.
Lance George
Housing Assistance Council
Washington, D.C.
Marisela Gomez
Village of Love and Resistance, VOLAR
Baltimore, Maryland
John Green
Blackstar Stability Investment Management LLC
Camden, Delaware
Bree Jones
Parity Baltimore Incorporated
Baltimore, Maryland
Ericka Kelly
Greater Milwaukee Committee
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Tamara Knox
Frolic Community LLC
Seattle, Washington
John Liss
True Footage Inc.
Seattle, Washington
Adrian Madriz
Struggle for Miami’s Affordable and Sustainable Housing, Inc.